L S D P R E S E N T Jesus On E's AGA/0x0/All KS Compatable version Originally coded & fixed by Shagratt/LSD JoEsAGAfix - This upgrades Jesus On E's disk #1 to the new version. This works on all machines including AGA machines. Disk #2 doesn't need changing. JoEsECSfix - The old A500+/A600 fixer. If the end-sequence doen't work you will have to run the A500+ fixer which was originally on Grapevine #13. Included here incase you need it! *---------------* JoEsInstall - Copies Jesus On E's disks onto your harddrive (to the current directory). This requires the new version so run the upgrader first. JoEsHD - Runs Jesus On E's from your harddrive. (Requires a minimum of 1 meg of Chip & 3 meg of Public) This has been fully checked out on a A4000 with harddrive and A1200 with 6mb, (there was no hd so we installed it to ram and it ran perfectly.) It did NOT work through parnet. thanx to all those who voted for JoEs in various charts. Its nice to see after 1 year its still so popular. *---------------* fixed using SIMBUG 1.62, the best debugger on the amiga end.